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Thirtyseven4 / COVID-19 UPDATE

Thirtyseven4 / COVID-19 UPDATE

Thirtyseven4 / COVID-19 UPDATE In response to the Ohio “stay at home” order, Thirtyseven4 wishes to update its customers on the measures we have implemented to ensure your continued Thirtyseven4 Protection and Service. Thirtyseven4 would not exist without our valued...

Safe Computing Practices While Working from Home

Safe Computing Practices While Working from Home

I’m old enough to remember hearing the news reports of parents trampling each other before Christmas in order to grab a Cabbage Patch Doll or (years later) fights breaking out to purchase a Sesame Street Tickle Me Elmo or Furby doll (the furry toy in the late 90’s...

Ransomware Overview

Ransomware Overview

Over the last few months, there has been tremendous growth in the number of ransomware attacks running rampant in the wild. Cybercriminals have not only cracked this ‘business model’, but are successfully generating a significant amount of money through this attack...

Cyber Con Artists Thrive AFTER the Holidays

Cyber Con Artists Thrive AFTER the Holidays

Cyber Con Artists Thrive AFTER the Holidays With Christmas and the shopping season now behind us, it’s time to kick back in the recliner and make the most of all those $1.96 Walmart “doorbuster” movies you risked life and limb for on Black Friday. I took my own advice...



THE “S” STANDS FOR SECURE, OR DOES IT?We all have favorite movies that we never get tired of watching. Recently coming off Christmas in July, I was reminded that no holiday season is complete (at least in our house) without a family viewing of “Elf”. In one memorable...

Emotet: A Nasty Summer Bug

Emotet: A Nasty Summer Bug

EMOTET: A NASTY SUMMER BUG It must be Summer-the bugs are out! In just one 24-hour snapshot, let’s review the bug interactions I have encountered (I wonder if you can relate): I had the perimeter of my house sprayed for black ants while also starting the daunting task...

Cyber Security: How To Minimize Social Media Losses

Cyber Security: How To Minimize Social Media Losses

Cyber Security: How To Minimize Social Media Losses I remember the feeling in the pit of my stomach upon returning to our vandalized minivan in the city Zoo parking lot after a long, fun-filled family day enjoying the animals. My new phone was stolen (and I do not...

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Call 877-374-7581 to schedule your free online demo.

Thirtyseven4, LLC is dedicated to serving customers with a full palette of EDR security solutions including AntiVirus, AntiMalware, Anti-Ransomware and Zero-Day Threat Protection.